Bachelor Of Science In Students With Disabilities All Grades (PK-12)

General Education Program

All degree programs require completion of the General Education. A complete description of the core and its requirements is available in the General Education section of the Daemen catalog. Courses which satisfy a portion or complete a core requirement will have such designation indicated after the course title.

1. Major: 55 CREDITS

  • EDU204 Field Based Experience (1)*
  • EDU213 Foundations of Education (3)**
  • EDU217 Facilitating Reading Literacy for Diverse Learners at the Primary Level (3)**
  • EDU237 Instructional Design (3)**
  • EDU319 Assessment Method in Education (3)**
  • EDU323 Instructional and Assistive Technology (3)**
  • EDU427 Teaching to the Standards (3)*
  • SED204 Field Based Experience (1)*
  • SED270 Nature & Needs of Students with Disabilities (3)**
  • SED300 Inclusive Literacy Practices and Strategies (3)**
  • SED301 Inclusive Math Practices and Strategies (3)**
  • SED310 Practicum in Inclusive Education (2)*
  • SED364 Inclusive Education for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities (3)**
  • SED371 Classroom Management Techniques for Individuals with Disabilities (3)**
  • SED401 Methods of Inclusive Special Education (3)**
  • SED498 Student Teaching: Students with Disabilities 1-6 (6)*
  • SED499 Student Teaching: Students with Disabilities 7-12 (6)*
  • CMP101 English Composition (3)**
  • * Requires a minimum grade of B- or better.
  • ** Requires a minimum grade of C or better.

2. Major Requirements- LAS Content Core: 21 CREDITS

    • HST105 or HST220: Global/US History I (3)**
    • HST106 or HST221: Global/US History II (3)**
    • MTH111 Math for Elementary Teachers (3)**
    • Science course (3)**
    • LAS Elective (9)** (Students are encouraged to focus on specific subject areas if they wish to apply for subject-specific extension certifications.)
      • The following subjects are allowed: Anthropology, Art,
        Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Composition, Computer
        Science, Economics, Environmental Science, French,
        Geography, History, Linguistics, Literature, Math, Music,
        Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology,
        Religion, Sociology, Spanish, and Theater.
    • ** Requires a minimum grade of C or better.

3. General Education Curriculum: 36 CREDITS

  • First Year Seminar (3)
  • Learning Communities (6)
  • Depth- Discovery (9)
  • Breadth- Exploration:
    • Natural Sciences and Mathematics:
      • Choose one course from: Mathematics (3)**
      • Choose one course from: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, and Physics (3)**
    • Social Science:
      • PSY212  Developmental Psychology: Infancy Through Childhood (3)**
      • PSY214 Psychology of Adolescence (3)**
    • Humanities:
      • LIT Course(3)**
      • Choose one course from: Art, English, Language (French or Spanish), Music, Philosophy, Religion, and Theater. (3)**
    • ** Requires a minimum grade of C or better.


Suggested Course Sequence

Access the suggested course sequence for the BS, Students with Disabilities All Grades (PK-12), from the Education Department web page or the Program Plans site on the Registrar’s web page.