Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Administration

The purpose of this program is to prepare master’s level nurses who are skilled in fulfilling leadership and executive roles within the health care system. The constantly changing nature of the current health care system demands master’s level nurses who can serve as leaders for the nursing profession.  There is an urgent need for nurse executives who can promote the growth of the profession as well as work to improve the quality and safety of patient care.

Student Learning Outcomes


  1. Exhibit leadership skills in working with staff and colleagues to address the health and illness experiences of clients from a variety of familial-socio-cultural backgrounds in a way that enhances each client’s dignity and acknowledges his/her strengths.
  2. Use applicable research and theory to lead staff and other colleagues to assist clients in changing modifiable risk factors.
  3. Synthesize information from a variety of disciplines to develop strategies for change for colleagues and staff, and to provide interventions and regimens that incorporate an understanding of the client’s needs and desires.
  4. Work collaboratively with and lead other health care team members to promote care for clients with complex health care needs.
  5. Direct evidence based continuous quality improvement initiatives to enhance care provided in a health care agency utilizing healthcare informatics.
  6. Incorporate professional, legal, moral, and ethical standards into practice.
  7. Critically analyze and synthesize research to determine applicability to practice.
  8. Develop a research project or thesis applicable to advanced executive nursing leadership.
  9. Contribute to professional nursing through advanced nursing leadership practice and professional involvement.
  10. Exhibit change in leadership behavior as evidenced by enhanced self-knowledge, cultural sensitivity, team dynamics, and systems thinking.
  11. Demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills necessary to effect personal and organizational change.



    • NUR501 Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Technologies (1)
    • NUR512 Theoretical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice (3)
    • NUR602 Qualitative Research (2)
    • NUR603 Quantitative Nursing Research (2)
    • NUR604S Thesis/Project Introductory Seminar(1/1)
    • NUR604 Thesis/Project (3)  – see below for pertinent information

    • NUR522 Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology (3)
    • NUR532 Nursing Leadership Finances (3)
    • NUR533 Nursing Leadership and Communication (3)
    • NUR534 Health Care Quality and Safety (3)
    • NUR535 Organizational Leadership and Role Transformation (3)
    • NUR536 Healthcare Policy and Advocacy (3)
    • NUR632 Nursing and Health Administration (3)
    • NUR633 Leadership Practicum (3)



Students must complete either a Thesis or Project.  The first credit will be completed in NUR604S Thesis Introductory Seminar; the remaining credits will be completed in NUR604 Thesis/ Project. The course may be completed over multiple terms of enrollment. A total of 4 credits are required for completion of the Thesis/Project.

Course Sequence

Access the course sequence for the MS, Nursing Executive Leadership, from the Nursing Department web page.

Program Structure and Time Limitations for Completion of Program

The Nursing Executive Leadership Program can be completed in two options. First, each Fall semester, the Wednesday evening program offers each LEAD course in eight class meetings over an eight week period.   The Wednesday program can be completed in 6 semesters (includes summer sessions).  Each Spring, the second option offers LEAD courses on Tuesday evenings (each LEAD class runs for eight consecutive weeks). This option can also be completed in 6 semesters (includes summer sessions). The Graduate Nursing Core Research Courses are offered on a traditional semester-long basis.

Students in the Nursing Executive Leadership Program enter and finish as a cohort, maintaining continuous registration in sequenced courses. The cohort model provides the opportunity to build leadership skills within a “real world” context of collaborative work, mutual challenge, and support. While this model offers an optimal learning experience, exceptions can be made for people who must temporarily leave the program. Such students must discuss their situation with the Nursing Department Chair and file a formal leave of absence. The precise timing of the student’s return from leave will be subject to the sequence availability within an appropriate cohort for the student’s program re-entry. In cases where lack of an appropriate cohort causes a student to exceed the allowed one year’s leave of absence from the graduate program, the student will be permitted, and expected, to re-enroll at the earliest availability of an appropriate cohort. All other Daemen College policies on leaves of absence and time limitations for program completion (including extensions) will apply.

Advanced Certificate in Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Administration

A post-baccalaureate certificate program is available for nurses who possess a minimum of a Bachelor of Science with a major in Nursing degree. The purpose of this program is to enhance the student’s knowledge and skills in nursing leadership. This program would meet the needs of two potential groups of nurses. First, for nurses who are already in nursing managerial positions, the program would help them to optimize their current job performance as well as to enhance their career potential. The program would also be useful for nurses who are not currently in nurse managerial positions, but who wish to enhance their credentials such that they may be considered for such a position. Students who pursue the post-baccalaureate certificate would also have the option of continuing in the program to complete the requirements for the Master of Science in Nursing Executive Leadership.


  • NUR501 Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Technologies (1)
  • NUR532 Nursing Leadership Finances (3)
  • NUR533 Nursing Leadership and Communication (3)
  • NUR534 Health Care Quality and Safety (3)
  • NUR535 Organizational Leadership and Role Transformation (3)
  • NUR536 Healthcare Policy and Advocacy (3)
  • NUR632 Nursing and Health Administration (3)
  • NUR633 Leadership Practicum (3)


Certificate: Admission Requirements

This post-baccalaureate certificate requires possession of a Bachelor of Science with a major in Nursing.

Additional information for graduate Nursing programs: Admissions Requirements; Course Repeats; Time Limitations; Requirements for Graduation – consult the Nursing Department web page.