Academic Regulations and Standards

Departmental Policies

Graduate students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the academic policies and procedures specific to their graduate program. Full details on departmental policies may be found in the departmental sections of this Catalog.

Graduate Academic Standards

The Educational Policy Committee of Daemen University is responsible for advising the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President on the graduate academic policies of the University. The Graduate Committee on Academic Standards is responsible for graduate admissions standards, the maintenance of academic standards for students in graduate programs, and review of student petitions for exceptions to graduate program policies.  The office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is in Duns Scotus Hall, Room 103.

Academic Regulations and Standards for linked undergraduate/ graduate programs in  Accounting, Athletic Training, Biology/Cytotechnology, Business Administration/International Business, Health Promotion/Public Health, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies are found in the Undergraduate University Catalog.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty, of which cheating and plagiarism are the most common examples, is a serious violation of the principles of higher education. Daemen University takes the position that academic honesty is to be upheld with the highest degree of integrity. The University has a responsibility to support individual thought and the generation of new ideas. This cannot be done when violations of academic honesty go unchallenged.

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  1. use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations;
  2. dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or
  3. the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff.
  4. any form of plagiarism, which includes, but is not limited to:
    1. the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; or
    2. the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency  engaged in the selling or distributing of term papers or other academic materials; or
    3. submitting previously or simultaneously submitted work —in whole or in substantial part—from another course for academic credit in a second course, without prior and express consent of the instructor.

In an instance where there has been a violation of the principles of academic honesty, the instructor may choose to follow one or more of a number of possible alternatives including but not limited to: (1) automatic failure of the work; (2) automatic failure of the entire course; (3) recommending expulsion from the degree program; or (4) recommending expulsion from the University. The student may appeal the instructor’s determination in accordance with the Grade Appeal Procedure.

When a faculty member determines a violation of academic honesty has occurred, he/she will first notify the student in writing. A copy of this letter, together with a written description of the case with supporting evidence will also be submitted to the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Success. Should there be no additional notifications of academic dishonesty, the initial record will be destroyed one year after the student’s graduation from Daemen University.

Upon receipt of additionally reported offenses, the materials in the file will be formally presented to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards for review and recommendation of any additional sanctions beyond those imposed by the instructor. The Chair of the Committee will also notify the student that the materials will be the subject of Committee deliberation and will recommend that the student write a letter regarding the offense to the Committee for purposes of clarification, explanation or denial. The committee review will be held in a timely manner as determined by the Committee. All faculty members who have reported offenses on the part of the student will be invited to participate in the deliberations. In cases where expulsion is recommended, either from the degree program or the University, final authority rests with the Dean of the University.

General Conduct Regulation

The University reserves the right to dismiss or request the withdrawal of any student whose academic standing, conduct, or manner renders his/her continued attendance at Daemen Universityundesirable.

Degree and Curricula Rules

Degree and Advanced Certificate Requirements

A student must complete a program of 30-65 (degree) or 6-30 (advanced certificate) semester hours with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (equivalent to B) for graduation. In addition, they must complete all departmental requirements for the awarding of a graduate degree or certificate.  Within his or her program, the student must fulfill all the requirements of the department in which the degree or certificate will be granted.

Change of Curricula

Daemen University reserves the right to make changes in all curricula. Students enrolled at Daemen University must meet all requirements if changed or amended by the University.

Course Load

A full-time course load is nine (9) credits per semester. In order to be considered for financial aid of any kind, a student must be registered for at least five credit hours per semester.

Plan of Study

In select graduate programs, the matriculated student is required to meet with his/her advisor to develop a Plan of Study to achieve his/her educational goals. Specific procedures and departmental timetables are referenced in the departmental sections of the Daemen web site and the catalog. A Plan of Study is considered an important aspect of the student’s academic program, and students will not be permitted to register for additional courses until the Plan of Study has been submitted to the student’s graduate program office, in accordance with program requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process required for completion of the Plan. Once the Plan of Study is approved, the student must ensure that the Plan is followed. The student must complete the specific courses listed on the Plan of Study. A student who wishes to modify his/her Plan of Study must meet with his/her advisor and make a new Plan of Study.

Graduation Requirements

Degrees are conferred three times each year (January 15, May – date announced annually, September 30). One Commencement is held in May and is open for participation by that year’s January and May graduates. September graduates are eligible for participation in the Commencement ceremony held in the subsequent year.* Participation in Commencement is available to degree candidates only. Candidates for a graduate degree or certificate from Daemen University must complete all courses on their Plan of Study and other program requirements with a minimum GPA of 3.00. In addition, they must complete all departmental requirements for the awarding of a graduate degree or certificate. All degree candidates must submit the Application for Degree by the first week of October for prospective January and May degree conferrals and by early June for September degree conferrals.  (Consult the academic calendar for the exact application due date.) All certificate candidates must submit the Application for Certificate in the semester prior to the final term of studies for completion of program requirements. The application for degree form is accessible on the Registrar’s web page; the application for certificate form is accessible on departmental web pages and in departmental offices. Completed applications should be returned to the Office of the Registrar, DS 123.

Transcripts or any document which is generally accepted in lieu of a transcript will not be sent for any student whose financial obligations to the University have not been met.

  • Pending compliance with established criteria, there are instances when prospective September graduates may “walk” in the Commencement ceremony held in May of that same year. Eligibility criteria and applications are available on the Registrar’s web page.

Performance Standards

Grade Reports

Grades are accessible to students online and are published at the end of each term.

Grade Appeal Procedure

  1. A student with questions or complaints about an assigned grade shall first discuss the matter with the course instructor within 30 days of receipt of the grade. In the event of the serious illness or absence from Western New York (or another instructional site vicinity) of either the student or the faculty member, an extension may be granted by the appropriate divisional dean. The instructor is expected to provide an appropriate explanation of the student’s grade and, if the student’s appeal is meritorious, to be willing to change the grade.
  2. If the student’s concerns remain unresolved following discussion with the instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the chair of the department in which the grade was given. This written appeal must be made within 15 days of the instructor’s determination in Step 1 above.  All supporting documentation must be submitted at this time, with the written appeal. The department chair shall review the student’s appeal and consult with the course instructor. The department chair may support the instructor’s evaluation or may recommend to the instructor that the grade be changed. (If the department chair is the course instructor whose grade is under appeal, the divisional dean shall handle the appeal at this stage.) It will be the responsibility of the student to demonstrate that the grade should be changed.
  3. Should the complaint still remain unresolved, the student’s appeal shall be forwarded to an ad hoc grade appeal committee, comprising: All full-time faculty within the department, including the department chair and, if fewer than three full-time faculty, members of the Departmental Personnel Advisory Committee.  (See Faculty Handbook section V, C. for the composition of a DPAC); the dean of the division in which the department is housed, unless the grade under appeal has been given by said dean (or the dean is a member of the departmental faculty as described above), in which event, the dean of the other division shall serve; and two faculty members from the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards – one to be chosen by the student and one by the course instructor. If the grade under appeal is given by a part-time faculty member, he or she will also be invited to join the committee.

Formal minutes will be taken of the meeting.  The first committee meeting will be called by the department chair.  If the grade under appeal has been given by the department chair, the first meeting will be called by the divisional dean.  The committee shall convene within two weeks of receiving the written appeal. Members who are unable to be physically present may participate electronically. At the discretion of the divisional dean, a member with extenuating circumstances may be excused from participation and/or allowed to furnish his/her input in advance of the meeting. In cases where fewer than three departmental faculty are in attendance, the dean may appoint faculty from the same division to serve.

This committee shall examine all pertinent documentation, may interview the student and the course instructor, in person or electronically, or consult with any other parties it may deem appropriate. The divisional dean shall act in a non-voting, advisory capacity with regard to the observance of all pertinent University policies and procedures. The ad hoc grade appeal committee shall render its written decision to the student and faculty member within seven days. The committee may recommend that the instructor change the grade; if the instructor refuses, s/he shall provide a written explanation to the committee within seven days. In the event of extenuating circumstances, this deadline may be extended at the discretion of the divisional dean. Should the committee find the instructor’s explanation unpersuasive, it will recommend to the department chair that the grade be changed. If, following consultation with the instructor, the instructor still refuses to change the grade, the department chair shall have the authority to change the grade notwithstanding the objection of the instructor. (If the instructor is the department chair, the divisional dean shall handle the chair’s duties here described.)

Grading Scale

Graduate students are required to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale throughout their academic program. Graduate courses will be graded on the following scale:

ASuperior Achievement4.00
B-Achievement below expectations2.70
(Received when course dropped after the last day for drop/add and no later than the last day for authorized withdrawal)
UWUnauthorized Withdrawal
(May be given until midterm to students not attending but did not officially withdraw)
Grades of B- and C are considered unsatisfactory at the graduate level and may result in a review of the student’s record by the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards.

The following graduate courses are graded on a Pass/Fail basis:

ABA730      Supervised Practicum and Seminar In Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA731      Supervised Practicum With Experience in Hours in Applied Behavior Analysis I

ABA732      Supervised Practicum With Experience In Applied Behavior Analysis 2

ABA733      Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied Behavior Analysis 3

ABA734      Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied Behavior Analysis 4

ABA735      Supervised Practicum With Experience Hours in Applied Behavior Analysis 5

ABA740    Applied Behavior Analysis Capstone Research Project

AE 579          Student Teaching and Seminar at the Intermediate Education Secondary Level (7-9) (content-specific)

AE 580          Student Teaching and Seminar at the Senior Secondary Level (10-12) (content-specific)

AE 699          Research Project in Education

CE 575          Student Teaching and Seminar in Childhood Education

CE 699          Research Project in Education

LEAD 540      Research Project/Thesis in Leadership and Innovation I

LEAD 541      Research Project/Thesis in Leadership and Innovation II

MGT 650       Directed Research*

NUR 604S     Thesis Introductory Seminar

NUR 604       Thesis

NUR 605S     Project Introductory Seminar

NUR 605       Project

SED 570        Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar at the Primary Level for Children with Disabilities

SED 580         Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar at the Intermediate Level for Children with Disabilities

SED 699        Research Project in Special Education

* May be graded Pass/Fail or using the graduate letter grade scale.

The mark of incomplete will be assigned only in cases of illness or prolonged or repeated absences for reasons beyond the control of the student, and only if the student has substantial equity in the course. Unless an earlier deadline is given by the instructor, students receiving incomplete grades have until the end of the subsequent semester (regardless of enrollment in that semester) to complete the work. Students should consult with the course instructor regarding the exact date when all outstanding work for the course must be completed. (The student should not register for the course in that subsequent semester.)  An incomplete grade that has not been repaired by the deadline will automatically be converted to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript.  At the instructor’s sole discretion, an Incomplete grade may be extended for an additional semester if circumstances warrant.  Any further extension would require a formal petition from the student to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards. A recommendation from the course instructor is required. Once an Incomplete grade turns to a grade of “F,” a student must re-register for the course if he/she wishes to earn credit for the course.

The grade of UW (unauthorized withdrawal) is given at mid-term to students who are not attending class but who have not officially withdrawn. There is no tuition refund for an unauthorized withdrawal. Students may not resume attendance in classes for which UW grades have been assigned. Any student wishing to appeal the assignment of a UW grade should consult with the instructor assigning the grade and may appeal to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards if the matter is not resolved at the student-instructor level.

Graduate Thesis/Project Grading Policies

Specific details on graduate thesis/project requirements for each program may be found in the departmental sections of the Daemen web site and this Catalog. For those graduate programs offering thesis/project for variable credit — allowing a student to register over several terms until the thesis/project is completed — the following grading procedure is used. Either the grade of P (pass) or F (fail) is assigned in all semesters preceding the final semester of registration. The Pass grade carries credit, has no quality point value, and reflects satisfactory work in progress.  The F grade reflects credit attempted but not earned and carries a quality point value of 0, thereby requiring that the student re-register for and successfully complete the course in order to be granted credit. In the final semester of registration for thesis/project, the earned grade (Pass, Pass Complete (PC), Fail, or letter grade, as per individual program policy) is given. A grade of Incomplete (I) may also be given, if warranted, allowing a student an additional semester for thesis/project completion.

Academic Bankruptcy Policy

The University’s academic bankruptcy policy is intended to allow students who are pursuing a new graduate program to repair their cumulative grade point average (GPA) by “bankrupting” certain coursework taken while pursuing their former graduate program. The record of coursework taken and grades earned still appears on the student’s official transcript; however, both credits and quality point values are removed from the record of credits earned and the cumulative grade point average, respectively. A notation on the official transcript will indicate which courses have been bankrupted.

The following criteria apply to the graduate academic bankruptcy program:

1. The student must have changed their graduate program and maintained a minimum semester GPA of 3.00 for at least one semester following the change of program.

2. Application may be made no earlier than upon completion of the first full semester in the student’s new program, and no later than the semester before the semester of anticipated graduation.

3. Only courses required in the student’s former program may be bankrupted.

4. No more than 10 credit hours may be considered for bankruptcy.

5. A bankrupted course may not be repeated. Therefore, if a specific course is still required in the student’s new program, it may not be bankrupted.

6. Regardless of the number of semesters or number of credit hours included in a student’s petition for academic bankruptcy, a student may declare bankruptcy only once.

7. A successful petition for academic bankruptcy has no retroactive effect on any academic determinations made prior to bankruptcy, including but not limited to: academic probation or dismissal; financial aid eligibility; or tuition liability. A student with bankrupted coursework is eligible for any honors which are based on the cumulative GPA.

The student must submit a written petition to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards, clearly identifying the specific course work for which bankruptcy is desired. A letter of recommendation from the student’s current faculty advisor should also be submitted. The Graduate Committee on Academic Standards will review the petition for compliance with program criteria and may, at its discretion, consider the entirety of the student’s academic record in rendering its decision. Note well: Students receiving financial aid for their graduate study should determine whether their petition will affect eligibility for continued aid.

Academic Standing: Probation, Dismissal, Appeal

A graduate student whose semester or cumulative GPA falls below 3.00 in any one term is automatically placed on probation and will receive written notification of his/her status from the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards, which reviews the student’s academic record. A student incurring academic probation: a) is required to meet with his or her advisor and b) must fully comply with all recommendations of the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards. Failure to attain good academic standing will result in dismissal from the University. A student who gives evidence of very poor scholarship may be subject to dismissal at the end of any semester whether or not he or she previously incurred probation.

Students may appeal decisions of the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards by writing the Committee in care of its Chair.  Appeals are to include pertinent supporting documentation, recommendations from faculty, and substantial evidence of the student’s ability to improve his or her academic performance.


Regular and prompt attendance is expected at all classes and officially scheduled programs and activities. A student who is absent from class for any reason whatsoever will be required to make up the work to the satisfaction of the instructor. A student anticipating or having a prolonged absence (over two consecutive class sessions) should report this absence to his/her graduate program director, who will convey this information to the appropriate instructors.

Deferred Examinations

Arrangements for late examinations must be made with the instructor(s). Ordinarily, at the discretion of the instructor, the examination must be taken within one month of the scheduled date. The instructor will submit a grade of Incomplete (I) in such cases. Failure to comply will result in an automatic grade of F.

Repeating A Course

It may be necessary for a student to repeat a course to achieve a satisfactory grade. Students are encouraged to discuss the matter with their advisors. When a course is repeated, only the higher grade is used in computing the student’s GPA, although both grades appear on the transcript. A student who earns below a B when repeating a course will be subject to review by the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards.

Residency Requirements/Alternative Methods for Completion of Program Requirements

Students who have completed graduate courses at another institution may satisfy up to 40% of Daemen graduate credits by transferring credits from another graduate program, successfully completing Daemen challenge exams or earning credit via the Credit for Learning from Life Experience (CLLE) Program. Ordinarily, no more than eight graduate credits may be earned through challenge or CLLE.

Transferring Graduate Credits

Acceptance of transfer credits from other graduate programs must be authorized by the director of the student’s graduate program. In order to have such coursework considered for transfer, the student should write a letter to his/her graduate program director describing the course(s) taken, and indicating which program requirement(s) the transfer credits are intended to satisfy (e.g., elective credits) and must include a syllabus or catalog description of the course. The student must also arrange to have an official transcript, referencing the coursework completed and final grade earned (minimum grade of B is required), forwarded to the graduate program director. The graduate faculty will evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed transfer credit and, if credit is being accepted, will forward such determination along with the official transcript to the Registrar.

Grades (and quality points) are not recorded for transferred credits.

Course Challenge Examinations

On occasion, a graduate student may potentially have achieved graduate-level mastery of a course in the curriculum through professional or prior educational activities. Students should contact the appropriate graduate program office for information regarding the procedures for completion of a challenge examination. The student must also petition the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards for permission to complete a challenge examination. Ordinarily, no more than eight graduate credits may be earned through challenge or Credit for Learning from Life Experience (see below).

Credit for Learning from Life Experience

There are instances when a student’s occupational or avocational life experiences are such that they result in knowledge acquired which may be equivalent to one or more graduate program requirements. Credit for such experience may be granted via the Credit for Learning from Life Experience (CLLE) program. Criteria for granting CLLE credit vary depending upon the course work and/or graduate program in which one is seeking credit. Students should consult with the appropriate graduate faculty for further details. The student seeking CLLE credit must petition the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards for the granting of such credit. The Committee will solicit a recommendation from the appropriate graduate faculty via the program director. Evaluative criteria will be determined by the appropriate graduate faculty and may be in the form of an oral or verbal examination, performance evaluation, or any combination thereof. Ordinarily, no more than eight graduate credits may be earned through CLLE or challenge examination.

Graduate Programs of Study

Students should note that enrollment in other than registered or otherwise approved programs may jeopardize eligibility for certain student aid awards. Daemen University is authorized by the Board of Regents of the State of New York to award degrees and certificates. Following is a listing of graduate degree and certificate programs registered by the New York State Education Department. The number prefixes are the HEGIS codes assigned by the New York State Education Department when programs are registered. All Daemen University programs are approved by the New York State Education Department for the training of veterans and other eligible persons.

The programs, academic disciplines, and departments at Daemen University are grouped into three academic colleges:

College of Arts, Sciences, and Education (CASE)

College of Health Professions (CHP)

College of Business and Human Services (CHHSB)


Degree Programs

Daemen Colleges

1203.10M.S.  Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
1203.10D.N.P. Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
0899.50M.S.  Alt Cert: Childhood Special Education and General Education  (TRANS B) – Initial/Professional  CertificationCASE
0899.50M.S.  Alt Cert: Early Childhood Special Education and General Education (TRANS B) – Initial/Professional CertificationCASE
 2099M.S.  Applied Behavior AnalysisCHHSB
 0599+M.S.  Arts AdministrationCASE
2101+M.S. Behavioral Science and Human ServicesCHHSB
0506.00M.B.A. Business AdministrationCHHSB
502M.B.A. AccountingCHHSB
1299.30B.S./M.S.*  Biology/CytologyCASE
0599M.S.  Leadership and InnovationCHHSB
808M.S. Inclusive Childhood Education -Additional Certification CASE
808Inclusive Childhood Education – Initial/Professional CASE
808Inclusive Childhood Education – Professional CASE
1203.10M.S. Nursing/ Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
1203.10B.S./M.S.* Nursing/Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
1203.10M.S.  Nursing EducationCHP
1203.10M.S.  Nursing Leadership and Healthcare AdministrationCHP
 1203.10+D.N.P. Palliative Care NursingCHP
 1212D.P.T. Physical TherapyCHP
 1299.10M.S. Physician Assistant StudiesCHP
 1214M.P.H.  Public HealthCHHSB
 2104M.S.W.   Master of Social WorkCHHSB


Advanced Certificates

Daemen Colleges

 1203.1Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
 1203.12Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse PractitionerCHP
2099Applied Behavior AnalysisCHHSB
0599Leadership and InnovationCHHSB
 1203.12Nursing EducationCHP
 1203.12Nursing Leadership and Healthcare AdministrationCHP
1299+Partners in Health for People with DisabilitiesCHP
 506 Business CHHSB

+ inactive program – no new students are currently being accepted

*dual degree program leading to BS/MS degrees – separate degree conferral


Global Programs (Study Abroad)

Graduate students are able to pursue global experiences that are designed to enhance their academic careers. Students participate in traditional academic experiences, comparative cross-cultural programs, service learning, medical missions, research, and clinical experiences. To learn more about Daemen’s study abroad programs, contact the Global Programs Office at

Study Abroad Opportunities

Study Abroad for Physical Therapy Students
PT students are able to complete one of their clinical placements abroad. Space is very limited and interested students should speak with Dr. Theresa Kolodziej for further information.

Study Abroad for Public Health Students
MPH students have the opportunity to fulfill their practicum and/or conduct research for their capstone project abroad.

Study Abroad Requirements
Students who intend to study, intern, volunteer, or conduct research abroad must have at least a 3.0 GPA and must have their proposed coursework approved by their Department Chair and the Global Programs Office prior to departure.  To be approved to study abroad, all students must submit requirements prior to departure and the start of the study abroad program. If the student fails to comply, the student will not be approved to study abroad as a Daemen student. Students are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the program in which they are participating and with Daemen’s Code of Conduct.


Registration for new graduate students is carried out individually by appointment in the student’s graduate program office. New students register on a rolling basis following submission of the tuition deposit. At that time, the student will meet with his/her advisor to review any transfer credit, review graduate program policies, and, if appropriate to the graduate program, develop one’s Plan of Study. Online registration may be processed at that time or the advisor may approve the plan during the meeting and then have the student complete his/her registration online.  Depending upon the departmental policy, returning students may advance register in their graduate program office or by submitting their electronic worksheet to the advisor.  The student will receive an email notification once the advisor approves the plan, thereby enabling the student to register online.  NOTE: The advisor’s approval of the plan does not constitute registration in courses, i.e., the student must complete the online registration process in order to be registered in courses.

Registration windows open in November for the Spring and Intersemester terms and in April for the Fall and Summer terms. Registration windows remain open throughout the drop/add period for the term.  Some courses require special permission in order to enroll, thereby requiring that a student complete the appropriate permit form (forms may be downloaded from the Registrar’s web page) and submit the fully signed form to either the Registrar’s office or the advisor.  Students may check their registration online on Self Service.  In order to register, students must comply with New York State immunization laws.

In the event of cancellation of a scheduled class by the University, any students registered in the class will be notified via their Daemen email account or telephone and recommended to contact their faculty advisor and/or graduate program office for assistance in selecting a replacement class. Every effort is made to ensure that students are informed of cancellations as expeditiously as possible and effectively assisted in revising their schedules.

Changes in Registration/Course Withdrawals

There are two types of changes which may be made to a student’s schedule:

  1. Drop/Add: completed online during the first week of classes (exact dates are published in the Academic Calendar on the Daemen web page). Drops processed during the drop/add period are not reflected on the transcript.
  2. Authorized Withdrawal: completed in the Registration office.  After the last date for drop/add, a student wishing to withdraw from a course must file an official withdrawal form (and secure all required signatures) by the last date for authorized withdrawal for the term (approximately two-thirds of the way through the term; the exact date is published in the Academic Calendar published on the Daemen web page).

Please note that discontinuance of attendance or notice to the instructor does not constitute an official withdrawal and may result in a grade of Unauthorized Withdrawal (UW) or a failing grade in the course.  In exceptional cases, the student may petition the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards for an authorized late withdrawal. A written recommendation from the student’s advisor, course instructor(s), and appropriate documentation of the reason for the withdrawal request must be provided to the Committee. A petition for a late withdrawal will not be considered after a final exam for that course has been taken or equivalent assignments (e.g., final project) have been submitted. Such petitions should be filed within one year of the posting of the final grade or in the instance of an Incomplete grade, one year from the Incomplete deadline.

Authorized withdrawals are reflected on the transcript. Students are advised to refer to the Financial Information section of this bulletin for financial implications applicable to authorized withdrawals.

Change of Name or Address

As soon as possible after any change of name and/or address occurs, students should notify the Registrar’s Office.  The Change of Address form may be downloaded from the Registrar’s web page. Name changes will be executed only when the change form is accompanied by a copy of the legal document that verifies the name change.  Students whose permanent address is in a foreign country (excluding Canada) must supply a local address and telephone number.

Electronic Mail

Every student currently enrolled at Daemen University is furnished with a Daemen email account.  The Daemen email account will remain active during periods when a student is on a leave of absence.  Certain important notices may be sent only via email to the student’s Daemen email account. Such announcements will include but are not limited to: the opening of advance registration windows; call for applications for graduation.  Students are responsible for checking their Daemen email account on a regular basis.

Change of Program

Students desiring to change graduate programs may apply directly to the program in which they want to enroll. Students should consult with the program director regarding program admission criteria and application procedures. An exit interview with the director of one’s previous graduate program is required. A Change of Graduate Program Form, available in the Registration Office, must be filed.

Withdrawal from the University

A student who withdraws from the University before completing his/her graduate program is required to fill out a Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form, available in the Office of Academic Advisement (Student Success Center-RIC, first floor) and online from the web pages of the offices of Academic Advisement and Registrar. Upon completing the form, the student arranges for an exit interview with a staff member of the Academic Advisement office, as well as the graduate program director. Upon completion of these exit interviews, the withdrawal process is finalized. Withdrawal necessitates a formal application to the Office of Admissions for readmission.  A student accepted for readmission following withdrawal must meet all requirements in force at the time of the student’s return to Daemen University.

If a student wishes to withdraw from the University after the last date for authorized withdrawal, a formal petition for withdrawal from all classes must be presented to the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards as described above.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence from the graduate program may be granted to students for reasons other than an academic difficulty for up to one full year after the end of the semester in progress. Any matriculated graduate student who is not enrolled in Daemen coursework in a given semester must file a leave of absence for that semester. The leave requires approval by the Graduate Program Director and the Office of Academic Advisement and begins after the end of the semester in progress. Students desiring a leave of absence should complete the Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form available online (accessible from the Academic Advisement and Registrar’s offices web pages) and in the Office of Academic Advisement. The student must indicate his/her intended date of return to the University on the form. If the student does not return to the University by the appropriate date, he/she will be considered as having withdrawn from the University. Withdrawal necessitates a formal application to the Office of Admissions for readmission. Students returning from a Leave of Absence or accepted for readmission following Withdrawal from the University must meet all requirements which are in force at the time of the student’s return to Daemen University.

Policy for veteran students: Once enrolled and certified as a Daemen student, should there be a need to suspend study due to service requirements, a veteran student may withdraw from courses with no financial liability.  Depending upon the duration of service required, other options may be available to students who feel they have significant investment in the semester and who do not wish to withdraw from a semester entirely. In each case, the student must notify the Veterans’ Certification Officer of the impending service requirement and discuss the financial options available. Regardless of the financial option chosen as a result of the service requirement, all service members may return to their academic program upon completion of service requirements.

Time Limitations for Completion of Program

Graduate students are expected to maintain continuity in their academic programs. Each program also stipulates that all requirements for the graduate degree or certificate must be completed within a specified period of time from the student’s initial registration for graduate study, regardless of whether the student was initially accepted as a degree or non-degree student. For the specific requirements of each graduate program, consult the departmental sections of the Catalog.

Periods of time spent on officially granted leaves of absence are not included in the computation of time for completion of the degree/certificate. An extension of the time limit may be granted when circumstances warrant. The student is responsible for writing an extension request that specifies the reasons for the extension and the amount of additional time needed. The request must first be approved by the graduate program director and then by the Graduate Committee on Academic Standards.

Extensions will not normally exceed one year. The maximum extension which may be granted is two years. A student who withdraws and is later readmitted to a graduate program is not automatically granted additional time to complete his or her studies. The Graduate Committee on Academic Standards will review each situation individually in conjunction with the director of the student’s graduate program.

Application for readmission requires payment of the application fee.


Daemen University is partnering with National Student Clearinghouse to provide current students, former students, and alumni with the ability to order electronic copies (students attending after 1985 only) or mailed copies of their student transcript. Students/Individuals who attended between 1946-1985 are only able to request a mailed copy of their transcript. Please note that mailed copies may require additional processing time. Transcript requests cost $10.00 per mailed copy and $11.00 per electronic copy.
Please review your order for accuracy. Refunds will not be considered. Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Once an order has been placed you will not be able to change the recipient’s email address. You must place a new order with the correct address. Cancelation of orders is not allowed due to our automated processing. Students may complete the transcript request form (consult the Registrar’s web page). The transcript reflects both undergraduate and graduate studies at Daemen. Please ensure you have no financial holds on your account prior to requesting a transcript. Transcripts will not be processed until your hold has been satisfied. For any additional questions please contact Registrar’s Office at 716-839-8214.


Auditing of graduate courses is subject to the permission of the instructor and graduate program director. Auditing of courses is also subject to space availability. A student must complete and file with the Registrar the Permit to Audit Form, include the course(s) as AUDIT on their semester load, and pay the appropriate fee, if applicable.