Academic Regulations & Standards

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty, of which cheating and plagiarism are the most common examples, is a serious violation of the principles of higher education. Daemen University takes the position that academic honesty is to be upheld with the highest degree of integrity. The University has a responsibility to support individual thought and the generation of new ideas. This cannot be done when violations of academic honesty go unchallenged. Find the academic honesty complete policy and examples on the university’s 


The University reserves the right to dismiss or request the withdrawal of any student whose academic standing, conduct, or manner renders his/her continued attendance at Daemen University undesirable.


The academic year consists of two semesters of approximately fifteen weeks (including examination periods) each. The Fall semester begins in late August/early September; the Spring semester begins in January. Classes are also offered during a 3-week Intersemester Session (January), two 4 1/2-week Summer Sessions (I: June; II: July/ August), and a 9 1/2-week Summer Session (III: June through early August). An Academic Calendar published annually governs the beginning and end of terms, class meetings and final examination dates, and administrative deadlines. Class schedules published each semester on WebAdvisor (accessible to guests as well as the Daemen community) assign times and places for courses. Final examination schedules are released early in each semester.

Degree & Curricula Rules


A student must complete a program of 120-202 semester hours (including all entry-level programs leading to both baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate degrees) with a minimum grade point average of 2.00 (equivalent to C) for graduation. Within this program, he/she must complete the core curriculum (including studies in courses meeting the specified competencies as well as other core requirements) and fulfill all program and departmental requirements, which may include but may not be limited to a higher grade point average.


In order to earn a degree from Daemen University, students are required to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework in residence. In-residence course work may include, but cannot be limited to, supervised field placements such as student teaching, clinical internship, and Career Field Experience. Challenge Exams, CLLE credit, and Cross-Registration credit are NOT acceptable in fulfilling the in-residence coursework requirement. The final semester’s coursework (whether full or part-time) before graduation must be taken in residence.

Students who participate in one of Daemen’s structured off-site programs are not required to take their final semester’s course work in residence; however, these students are advised against cross-registration and/or completing course work at other institutions during the final semester since possible delays in receiving official transcripts from the other colleges will postpone a student’s graduation/degree conferral. Official transcripts which reflect all final grades earned for course work completed at other educational institutions/agencies and applicable to Daemen degree requirements must be received by the published deadline for receipt of grades for prospective Daemen University graduates.


For academic regulations and standards pertinent to post-baccalaureate graduate programs, consult the Daemen University Graduate Catalog. Regulations and standards contained in this catalog apply to linked undergraduate/graduate programs in Accounting, Biology/Cytotechnology, Business Administration/International Business, Health Promotion/Athletic Training, Health Promotion/Public Health, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies as well as stand-alone graduate degree programs.


Class status is ordinarily defined in terms of the anticipated graduation year. The anticipated graduation year is determined by the requirements a student has met within the department and/or the credits outstanding for completion of degree requirements. For financial aid purposes and online registration priority, however, the class status may be defined in terms of credit hours earned rather than credit hours outstanding: for financial aid purposes and online registration priority, sophomore status is typically attained at 26 credit hours, junior status at 56 credit hours, and senior status at 90 credit hours.


For specific time deadlines, procedures, and requirements for admission to the upper division/professional phase of various programs, consult with the academic advisor or department chairperson and review the specific departmental statement in this catalog and published on the departmental web pages, and on the Program Plans accessible from the Registrar’s web page.


Daemen University reserves the right to make changes in all curricula and/or upper division/professional phase entrance requirements. Students enrolled at Daemen University must meet all requirements if changed or amended by the University.

Dual Degrees, Double Majors, and Minors

Students may opt to pursue completion of requirements for more than one program. Completion of requirements in a second program will be stated on a student’s transcript; however, this does not necessarily result in the conferral of multiple degrees/ diplomas. The pursuit of a dual degree is defined as matriculation in a second program leading to a second-degree conferral. The pursuit of a double major is defined as the pursuit of coursework in a second program leading to a statement of completion (on the transcript) of the second major’s requirements but not a second-degree conferral. Students should consult with the Registrar for further details. The pursuit of dual degrees and double majors may also have financial aid implications. Students should consult with the Financial Aid office for details.

Select degree programs include automatic completion of a minor as part of one’s degree requirements; others do not. Students may wish to pursue completion of one or more minor(s). Consult the “Programs of Study” section in this catalog, or the Program Plans option accessible from the Registrar’s web page, for a complete listing of available minors.

Students wishing to change major, file for a dual degree or double major, or declare a minor must file the necessary form with the Registrar’s office.


In exceptional cases, a student may petition for a course substitution or waiver of a departmental and/or degree requirement and/or core requirement. The student will submit to the Committee on Academic Standards a written request fully stating the rationale. The student will ask his or her advisor to send a written recommendation to the Committee on Academic Standards; the Committee will request a written recommendation from the chairperson of the department from which waiver or substitution is requested. The Committee on Academic Standards will make the final decision and will notify the student accordingly.

Requests for waivers or substitutions relative to core electives, upper division core requirements, requirements of quantitative literacy, and/or service learning and/or writing-intensive studies may be considered in exceptional instances. Requests should be referred to the Core Director.

If a course substitution request is based on a student’s disability, the student shall also furnish, in addition to his/her petition and advisor’s recommendation, appropriate documentation of the disability to the Director of Accessibility Services. Provided that the documentation appears to support the student’s request, the Director of Accessibility Service will write a letter of support as a reasonable accommodation. It shall then be the role of the Committee on Academic Standards to determine whether the request may be granted without compromising the essential nature of the student’s academic program. For further details on the University’s policy on the accommodation of students with disabilities, see the Accreditation and Institutional Policies section of this Catalog or contact Accessibility Services at (716) 839-8228.


A full-time student will carry 12-18 credit hours each semester. Select degree programs require that 19+ credits are completed in one or more semesters. There is no additional tuition charge for these credits, provided that the student has followed the suggested course sequence referenced in the Program Plan as published by the Registrar’s office. Some programs require study in summer sessions, for which additional tuition charges are assessed. Students who are out of the regular course sequence as a result of transferring into a program, changing major, and/or deficient academic performance are subject to additional tuition charges for semester course loads exceeding 18 credit hours. Work in excess of the normal load may be undertaken only with special permission and at additional cost to the student. Except in unusual cases or unless required by the student’s program, the course load should not exceed nineteen semester hours.

Please note: some students with disabilities registered for less than 12 credit hours may qualify as full-time students.  Please contact Accessibility Services for more information at 716-839-8228


All matriculating students, together with their academic advisor, should regularly monitor their progress towards completion of degree requirements and should verify their progress by generating their program evaluation online.

It is strongly recommended that students review their program evaluation regularly and definitely prior to preparation/update of their education plan and registration for courses.

Performance Standards


Grades are accessible to students online. At mid-term, grades are reported for those courses in which work is deficient (C- grade or lower). Final grades are reported at the end of each term. With the exception of the Unauthorized Withdrawal (UW) grade, mid-term grades are not recorded on the student’s transcript. Students earning mid-term and/or final grades which are deficient (C- grade or lower) should contact their academic advisor to discuss the next appropriate course of action to be taken.


  1. A student with questions or complaints about an assigned final course grade shall first discuss the matter with the course instructor within 30 days of the posting of the grade. In the event of serious illness or absence from Western New York (or another instructional site vicinity) of either the student or the faculty member, an extension may be granted by the appropriate divisional dean. The instructor is expected to provide an appropriate explanation of the student’s grade and, if the student’s appeal is meritorious, to be willing to change the grade.
  2. If the student’s concerns remain unresolved following a discussion with the instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the chair of the department in which the grade was given. This written appeal must be made within 15 days of the instructor’s determination in Step 1 above. All supporting documentation must be submitted at this time, with the written appeal. The department chair shall review the student’s appeal and consult with the course instructor. The department chair may support the instructor’s evaluation or may recommend to the instructor that the grade be changed. (If the department chair is the course instructor whose grade is under appeal, the divisional dean shall handle the appeal at this stage.) It will be the responsibility of the student to demonstrate that the grade should be changed.
  3. Should the complaint still remain unresolved, the student’s appeal shall be forwarded to an ad hoc grade appeal committee comprising: all full-time faculty within the department, including the department chair and, if fewer than three full-time faculty, members of the Departmental Personnel Advisory Committee (see Faculty Handbook section V. C. for composition of a DPAC), the dean of the division in which the department is housed, unless the grade under appeal has been given by said dean (or the dean is a member of the departmental faculty as described above), in which event the dean of the other division shall serve; and two faculty members from the Committee on Academic Standards – one to be chosen by the student and one by the course instructor. If the grade under appeal is given by a part-time faculty member, he or she will also be invited to join the committee.

Formal minutes will be taken of the meeting. The first committee meeting will be called by the department chair. If the grade under appeal has been given by the department chair, the first meeting will be called by the divisional dean. The committee shall convene within two weeks of receiving the written appeal. Members who are unable to be physically present may participate electronically. At the discretion of the divisional dean, a member with extenuating circumstances may be excused from participation and/or allowed to furnish his/her input in advance of the meeting. In cases where fewer than three departmental faculty are in attendance, the dean may appoint faculty from the same division to serve.

This committee shall examine all pertinent documentation, may interview the student and the course instructor, in person or electronically, or consult with any other parties it may deem appropriate. The divisional dean shall act in a non-voting, advisory capacity with regard to the observance of all pertinent University policies and procedures. The ad hoc grade appeal committee shall render its written decision to the student and faculty member within seven days. The committee may recommend that the instructor change the grade; if the instructor refuses, s/he shall provide a written explanation to the committee within seven days.  In the event of extenuating circumstances, this deadline may be extended at the discretion of the divisional dean. Should the committee find the instructor’s explanation unpersuasive, it will recommend to the department chair that the grade be changed. If, following consultation with the instructor, the instructor still refuses to change the grade, the department chair shall have authority to change the grade notwithstanding the objection of the instructor. (If the instructor is the department chair, the divisional dean shall handle the chair’s duties here described.)

Grade appeal procedure for Interdisciplinary (IND) courses: The “department chair” shall be either the chair of the department in which the instructor is housed, if applicable, or the Core Director, at the discretion of the department chair (if applicable). Departmental faculty members of the ad hoc grade appeal committee shall be appointed by the Educational Policy Committee; both divisional deans shall serve, and two members of the Committee on Academic Standards shall be selected as per point 3 above.


The rating scale used in grading student’s work follows:

Grade Quality Points

A range: A/A-:  Excellent

  • A 4.0
  • A- 3.7

B range: B+/B/B-: Above Average (given for work of high quality)

  • B+ 3.3
  • B 3.0
  • B- 2.7

C+  and C grades: Average (given for satisfactory work, the standard performance of the college student)

  • C+ 2.3
  • C 2.0

C-  and D grades: Passing (given for work that is passing but below the standard set for mastery of a course and for graduation

  • C- 1.7
  • D 1.0

F Failure (given for inferior work; credit can be earned only by repeating the course) 0.0

AU Audit (satisfactory, but not for credit)

AX Audit (unsatisfactory due to non-attendance)

I Incomplete (given when a course has been left incomplete with respect to specific assignments, which may include the final examination)

W Withdrawal (given when courses are dropped after the last day for drop/add and no later than the last day for authorized withdrawal)

UW Unauthorized Withdrawal (may be given until midterm to students not attending but not officially withdrawn)

The mark of Incomplete will be assigned only in cases of illness or prolonged or repeated absences for reasons beyond the control of the student, and only if the student has substantial equity in the course. Unless an earlier deadline is given by the instructor, students receiving Incomplete grades have until the end of the subsequent semester (regardless of enrollment in that semester) to complete the work. Students should consult with the course instructor regarding the exact day when all outstanding work for the course must be completed. (The student should NOT re-register for the course in that subsequent semester.) The instructor is required to submit to the Registrar’s office the change in grade from Incomplete by the day when grades are due for that semester.

An Incomplete grade that has not been repaired by the deadline will automatically be converted to a grade of “F” on the student’s transcript. At the instructor’s sole discretion, an Incomplete grade may be extended for an additional semester if circumstances warrant. Any further extension would require a formal petition from the student to the Committee on Academic Standards. Once an Incomplete grade turns to a grade of “F”, a student must re-register for the course if he/she wishes to earn credit for that course. Students with grades of Incomplete are not eligible for Dean’s List status until all Incomplete grades for the semester have been changed.

The grade of UW (unauthorized withdrawal) is given at mid-term to students who are consistently not attending class but who have not officially withdrawn. There is no tuition refund for an unauthorized withdrawal. Students may not resume attendance in classes for which UW grades have been assigned. Any student wishing to appeal the assignment of a UW grade should consult with the instructor assigning the grade, and may appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards if the matter is not resolved at the student-instructor level.

Pass/Fail Grading: Applicable only to designated credit or non-credit courses:

  • P Pass (credit granted; no quality points assigned)
  • F Fail (no credit granted for the course; no quality points earned; and the F factors into the grade point average [GPA] )

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading:

The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading scale is implemented at the student’s request and with the following stipulations: applicable to courses credited as free electives only for the student’s major; not applicable to courses that are part of the major and/or declared minor, or prerequisites to such studies; limited to 12 credits total.  Students opting for S/U grading must meet the following criteria: must have earned a minimum of 24 credits at Daemen University; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00; have a declared major.  The student must file the completed S/U grading request form (including all required signatures) with the Registrar’s Office by the last day for drop/add for the term in which the course is being taken.  S/U grading has no impact on the GPA.

  • S Satisfactory (credit granted; no quality points assigned; applies to courses in which the instructor assigns a grade of A through D)
  • U Unsatisfactory (no credit granted; no quality points assigned; applies to courses in which the instructor assigns a grade of F)

NOTE: The letter grade earned may be recovered upon filing the completed grade recovery request form (including all required signatures) with the Registrar’s Office, and in instances when: due to a change of major or declaration of minor(s), the course is now required as part of the declared major/minor; the student has more than the allowed 12 credits in S/U graded courses; the letter grade is required by a graduate or professional school.


Quality points are the values assigned to a course on the basis of the grade received. The scholastic standing of a student is determined by course grades and is expressed as a cumulative grade point average. The grade point average is the ratio of quality points earned to the number of credits in which letter grades (A-F) are earned.

The Daemen University transcript will reflect all courses taken at Daemen, both undergraduate and graduate, if applicable. Three cumulative grade point averages are indicated as part of the student’s record: undergraduate; graduate; combined undergraduate and graduate. The division (undergraduate or graduate) in which a student is enrolled at the time of completion of the course determines the GPA in which a course is included. Students classified in the undergraduate division who have attended two or more semesters and whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 are not considered institutionally to be in good standing.  Each academic program has criteria for acceptable performance within the program and a student’s continuance in the program may be reviewed on the basis of such criteria. Quality points are awarded for credits earned at Daemen University, Daemen-sponsored international programs and exchanges, and cross registrations.

To improve the grade point average a student may wish to repeat a course. A student should confer with the advisor about the appropriateness of repeating a course. When a course is repeated at Daemen, only the higher grade is used in computing the grade point average, although both grades appear on the transcript. See “Repeating a Course” section for further information on course repetitions.


The University’s academic bankruptcy policy is intended to allow students who are pursuing a new academic program and who are currently maintaining good academic standing to repair their cumulative grade point average (GPA) by “bankrupting” certain coursework taken while pursuing their former academic program. The record of coursework taken and grades earned still appears on the student’s official transcript; however, both credits and quality point values are removed from the record of credits earned and the cumulative grade point average, respectively. A notation on the official transcript will indicate which courses have been bankrupted. Academic bankruptcy is available to undergraduate students (including students in linked undergraduate/ graduate programs) and some designated graduate programs. The following criteria apply to the undergraduate academic bankruptcy program.  (Consult the departmental sections of the Graduate Catalog for details relative to graduate academic bankruptcy programs.)

  1. The student must have changed his/her major and maintained a minimum semester GPA of 2.50 for at least one full-time (minimum 12 credit hours) semester following the change of major. Consideration may also be given to a semester GPA based on part-time attendance if the student’s ordinary pattern of attendance has been part-time.
  2. Application may be made no earlier than upon completion of the first full semester in the student’s new major, and no later than the semester before the semester of anticipated graduation.
  3. Only courses required in the student’s former major may be bankrupted. Learning communities and other courses taken strictly for core credit may not be bankrupted.
  4. No more than 18 credit hours may be considered for bankruptcy. Bankrupted coursework must have been taken in no more than two semesters (including summer sessions) and the semesters must be consecutive.
  5. A bankrupted course may not be repeated. Therefore, if a specific course is still required in the student’s new major, it may not be bankrupted.
  6. Regardless of the number of semesters or number of credit hours included in a student’s petition for academic bankruptcy, a student may declare bankruptcy only once.
  7. A successful petition for academic bankruptcy has no retroactive effect on any academic determinations made prior to bankruptcy, including but not limited to: academic probation, suspension, or dismissal; determinations of ineligibility to pursue an application to upper division/professional phase of University programs; Dean’s List eligibility; financial aid eligibility; or tuition liability. A student with bankrupted course work is eligible for graduation and other honors which are based on cumulative GPA.

The student must submit a written petition to the Committee on Academic Standards, clearly identifying the specific course work for which bankruptcy is desired. A letter of recommendation from the student’s current faculty advisor should also be submitted.

The Committee on Academic Standards will review the petition for compliance with program criteria and may, at its discretion, consider the entirety of the student’s academic record in rendering its decision. Note well: Students receiving financial aid should meet with a financial aid counselor prior to petitioning for bankruptcy to determine the effects of the petition on one’s present and future eligibility for aid.


A matriculated undergraduate student who attains a grade point average of 3.30 in any one semester is eligible for the Dean’s List provided he/she has been enrolled for twelve credit hours of course work, nine of which must be in course work that utilizes the letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) scale.


The following honor societies have chapters at Daemen University:

Beta Beta Beta (Natural Science)

Delta Alpha Pi (Students with Disabilities)

Kappa Delta Pi (Teacher Education)

Lambda Iota Tau (English & Foreign Languages)

Phi Alpha (Social Work)

Psi Chi (Psychology)

Sigma Beta Delta (Accounting & Business Administration)

Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta (Special Education/Inclusion)

Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing)


The BACCALAUREATE DEGREE WITH DISTINCTION is awarded to students who have maintained a high degree of scholastic excellence. Traditional Latin honors are conferred at Commencement and noted on the student’s diploma:

  1. Summa Cum Laude for a 3.70 cumulative grade point average.
  2. Magna Cum Laude for a 3.50 cumulative grade point average.
  3. Cum Laude for a 3.30 cumulative grade point average.

Students must have completed a minimum of 60 hours of actual Daemen coursework to qualify for these honors. CLLE and challenge exam credit are not allowed as part of the 60 credits of required coursework. Students with fewer than 60 hours of Daemen credit at graduation will be eligible for Latin honors based upon the following standards:

  1. The Daemen GPA must be appropriate for the honor to be bestowed AND
  2. The GPA for all college work, inclusive of accepted transfer coursework as well as Daemen coursework, must be appropriate. Therefore no honor will be bestowed that is not supported by both the Daemen GPA and the “all college work” GPA. (Example: If a student has a GPA of 3.30 for all college work, but a Daemen GPA of only 3.20, no honor would be accorded. Conversely, if the “all college work” GPA = 3.20 and the Daemen GPA = 3.30, no honor would be accorded.)
  3. All Graduation Honor’s GPAs are calculated to the third decimal place then truncated for the final GPA calculation.


The ALUMNI SENIOR AWARD (given by the Alumni Association) is presented to a student who has distinguished himself or herself in service to others.

The CHARLES L. LUMSDEN AWARD for Academic Excellence is presented annually to an outstanding member of the graduating class. The award recipient must have completed a minimum of 75 credit hours in actual coursework at Daemen University.

The MARY ANGELA CANAVAN AWARD for commitment to ideals of service was established by the Student Association in honor of the late Sr. Mary Angela Canavan, president emeritus of the University.

The PRESIDENT’S AWARD is awarded each year to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated outstanding leadership.


Definitions: Good academic standing is defined as a minimum 2.00 cumulative average, subject to the “academic warning” allowance for first-semester first-year students and first-semester transfers defined below*. Students who are not in good academic standing will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Failure to achieve good academic standing at the end of the term in which the student is on academic warning or probation ordinarily results in suspension or dismissal from the University for academic reasons. Suspension is a temporary separation from the University, after which the student is again eligible to register for Daemen University courses. Dismissal is a termination of the student’s relationship with Daemen University; a dismissed student must apply for readmission after waiting one year should he or she wish to re-enroll. Any student, including a first-semester student, who gives evidence of very poor scholarship – defined as a cumulative GPA below 1.00 – may be subject to suspension or dismissal at the end of any semester whether or not he/she previously incurred probation.

Procedures: The Committee on Academic Standards reviews academic records at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters. At its discretion, the committee may choose to postpone the determination of a student’s academic standing until the student’s completion of a pending inter-semester term (summer or January). Academic standing is also subject to change in the event of any intra-semester recalculation of the GPA due to conversion of Incomplete grades or other grade changes.

Conditions of academic probation include limitations on participation in extracurricular activities and such other conditions as the Committee on Academic Standards may determine. The Committee, at its discretion, may require any student who is on academic warning or probation to meet with a designated academic advisor to develop an academic recovery plan for the following semester. Failure to abide by one’s academic recovery plan or any other conditions of probation together with the failure to raise the GPA to an acceptable level will result in suspension or dismissal. If at the end of the sophomore year, a student does not have a 2.00 cumulative GPA, he/she will ordinarily be dismissed.

The Committee on Academic Standards may, at its discretion, consider evidence of exceptional circumstances in determining whether a student should be suspended or dismissed. The Committee also sets any conditions that must be met by students returning from suspension or by dismissed students applying for readmission. Dismissed students desiring readmission must contact the Office of Admissions and be prepared to give evidence of their ability to maintain satisfactory academic performance should they be readmitted to the University.

AppealsStudents may appeal decisions of the Committee on Academic Standards by writing the committee in the care of the Associate Vice President for Student Success.  Appeals should include any pertinent supporting documentation, recommendations from faculty, and an action plan for improved academic performance.

*Standards applicable to first-semester students (first-year and transfers): A first-semester student whose grade point average falls below 1.50 will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent semester and assigned to a mandatory academic recovery program. The student may also be subject to suspension or dismissal if his/her average is below 1.0. First-semester students with semester averages between 1.50 and 1.99 will be issued an academic warning letter and assigned to a mandatory academic recovery program.


Regular and prompt attendance is expected at all classes and officially scheduled programs and activities. A student who is absent from class for any reason whatsoever will be required to make up the work to the satisfaction of the instructor. A student anticipating or having a prolonged absence from class (three or more class days), for reasons such as illness, accident, religious accommodation, or death in the family, should report this absence to the Registrar, who will convey the information to the appropriate instructors. Upon return, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss his or her standing in the course with the instructor, who will advise of the appropriate course of action to be taken.


Daemen University prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and is committed to providing a work environment that respects the religious beliefs and practices of all students. As part of that commitment, the University will make good faith efforts to fulfill a requested accommodation for such observances when a reasonable accommodation is available that does not create an undue hardship for the University.

Requesting a Religious Accommodation

A student who anticipates being absent from work or class because of religious beliefs or practices that conflict with their job, class schedule, or a Daemen University policy or practice on dress and appearance to their supervisor or instructor/faculty member in charge of the course. Students are asked to examine the academic calendar and/or course syllabus for potential conflicts at the start of the semester and promptly notify the supervisor and/or instructor in writing of any anticipated accommodation needs, providing as much notice as possible, clearly specifying the reason for the requested absence or other accommodation. Students are responsible for arranging in advance to make up missed work or material in a timely manner.

Providing Religious Accommodation

Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis and depend on the circumstances. They might include rescheduling an exam or giving the student a make-up exam, allowing an individual or group presentation to be made on a different date, letting a student attend a different discussion section for the same class that week, adjusting a due date, or assigning the student appropriate make-up work that is intrinsically no more difficult than the original assignment.

Supervisors and instructors are expected to reasonably accommodate individual religious practices. A refusal to accommodate is justified only when undue hardship to the University’s legitimate business purposes would result from each available alternative for reasonable accommodation.

The University prohibits retaliation against students requesting religious accommodation, participating in an approved accommodation, or otherwise engaging in protected conduct under this policy. Any person who violates this anti-retaliation provision may be subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action. Students who believe that they have been retaliated against or not accommodated appropriately should contact the EEO Officer/Daemen University Center for Diversity and Inclusion and/or the Director of Employee Engagement.



A student-athlete is any student who is currently enrolled full-time (12 or more credits) and listed as a member of an Intercollegiate Athletic Team within the Department of Athletics.  In compliance with NCAA Bylaw, the following is the Daemen University Department of Athletics Missed Class Time Policy as it applies to all Daemen student-athletes.

Pursuant to NCAA rules, no class time shall be missed for practice except when a team is traveling to an away contest and the practice is in conjunction with the contest. In team sports, no classes shall be missed for a competition conducted during the non-championship (off-season) segment.

  1. A student-athlete will not be required to attend any practice activities that result in a missed scheduled class or final exam.  Activities considered practice are:
    1. Preparation and conditioning time (e.g., weight training, running, etc.);
    2. Athletic Training Room time (e.g., rehab, taping, treatment etc.);
    3. Meetings (including viewing of game or practice film);
    4. On-field practice;
    5. Banquets and other celebratory events.
  2. Recruiting and media requests (including internal Athletic Communication Office) will not interfere with a class or exam schedules.
  3. For home competitions, student-athletes shall not miss any class time before, or after, two hours of scheduled competition.
  4. For weekday away competitions with same-day travel, scheduled departure time shall not be more than drive time to destination plus 90 minutes.  For example, if Daemen team or squad has contest at Roberts Wesleyan at 6 p.m., departure time may not be earlier than 3:30 p.m.
  5. For away competition with overnight travel, no team shall depart more than 30 hours prior to scheduled competition.
  6. Prior to the start of classes or the start of the competition, whichever is earlier, the Student-Athlete Success & Community Engagement Coordinator prepares Missed Class Time Letters per sport, for each student-athlete to provide to his/her instructor. These Letters note the dates and time of each competition, the date and time students are to report to the gym for competition or departure to the competition, and the expected dates and time of their return to campus.
  7.  Upon receipt of these Letters, a student-athlete presents to his/her instructor(s) a receipt log, provided by the Student-Athlete Success & Community Engagement Coordinator, and the student-athlete is required to receive a signature from each instructor receiving the Letters.
  8. Student-athletes are responsible for submitting all assignments on time or in advance of the missed class and will make arrangements for reviewing missed material.  If the student-athlete’s absence will result in missing an in-class graded assignment or test, he or she will contact the class instructor ahead of the missed class to discuss an alternative timeline or arrangements, which may include completing the assignment early or working with the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) to complete on the road.
  9. Coaches will not schedule away-from-home competitions that require missed class time during the first week of classes, final exam period, or weekend prior to the final exam period.  Student-athletes will confirm the date of final exams at least one month prior to the last day of classes and notify FAR of any conflicts.*
  10. Exceptions to the above will only be approved by the Faculty Athletics Representative in consultation with the Director of Athletics and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The FAR will report any exceptions to faculty via email no later than the end of each semester.

*Please note: Conference/national championship games are scheduled by the East Coast Conference/NCAA, respectively, more than two years in advance consistent with NCAA guidelines; scheduling is out of the institution coach’s control.  East Coast Conference members are U of Bridgeport; U of District of Columbia; LIU Post; Mercy College; Queens College (CUNY); Molloy College; Roberts Wesleyan; NY Institute of Technology; and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Registration Regulations


Students register for classes online. Advance registration is held for each semester, intersemester, and summer session. Students advance register on a priority registration schedule based upon class status as defined by credit hours earned (inclusive of accepted transfer credits). Within their class, underclassmen register on the basis of credits earned.  Students pursuing an Honors Program degree, as well as student-athletes, may register on the day prior to the opening of the registration window for their class. Registration will be blocked for any student whose financial obligations to the college are not resolved. It is therefore strongly recommended that students with unresolved financial issues contact the Office of Student Accounts in advance of the opening of their registration window so that such matters may be resolved in time for registration.  Registration windows remain open throughout the drop/add period for the term. Some courses require special permission in order to enroll and therefore must be processed in the Registration office. Permit forms may be downloaded from the Registrar’s web page.

Students plan their schedules assisted by faculty advisors, and make payments to the Student Accounts Office according to the regulations published in the University Catalog and announced by the Student Accounts Office. Students complete and submit their registration worksheet electronically to their advisors for review and approval. Advisors may wish to meet with their advisees prior to approving the student’s proposed education plan. Once the advisor approves the plan, the student will receive a notification by email, thereby enabling the student to register online. NOTE: The advisor’s approval of the plan does not constitute registration in courses: the student must complete the online registration process in order to be registered in courses. In order to register, students must comply with New York State immunization laws. Refer to the Student Services: Health Services section of this catalog for further details.

In the event of cancellation of a scheduled class by the University, any students registered in the class will be notified via their Daemen email account or telephone.  The student is recommended to contact their faculty advisor and/or the Office of Academic Advisement for assistance in selecting a replacement class. Every effort is made to ensure that students are informed of cancellations as expeditiously as possible and effectively assisted in revising their schedules.


As soon as possible after any change of name and/or address occurs, students should notify the Registrar’s Office.  The Change of Address form may be downloaded from the Registrar’s web page.  Name changes will be executed only when the notification of name change is accompanied by a copy of the legal document which verifies the name change. Students whose permanent address is in a foreign country (excluding Canada) must provide the Registrar’s office with a local address, telephone number, and contact person.


Every student currently enrolled at Daemen University is furnished with a Daemen email account. The Daemen email account will remain active during periods when a student is on a leave of absence or academic suspension. Certain important notices may be sent only via email to the student’s Daemen email account. Such announcements will include but are not limited to: opening of advance registration windows and call for applications for graduation.  Students are responsible for checking their Daemen email account on a regular basis.


There are two types of changes that may be made to a student’s schedule:

  1. Drop/Add: completed online during the first week of classes (exact dates are published in the Academic Calendar on the Daemen web page). Dropped courses processed during the drop/add period are not reflected on the transcript.
  2. Authorized Withdrawal/Change in Status from Credit to Audit: completed in the Registration office. After the last date for drop/add, a student wishing to withdraw from a course must file an official withdrawal form (and secure all required signatures) by the last date for authorized withdrawal for the term (approximately two-thirds of the way through the term; the exact date is published in the Academic Calendar published on the Daemen web page). Please note that non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal and may result in receipt of an Unauthorized Withdrawal or a failing grade in the course.

In exceptional cases, the student may petition the Committee on Academic Standards for an authorized late withdrawal. Written recommendations from the student’s advisor and course instructor(s) and appropriate documentation of the reason for the withdrawal request must be provided to the Committee. Course withdrawals are reflected on the transcript. A petition for a late withdrawal will not be considered after a final exam for that course has been taken or equivalent assignments (e.g., final project) have been submitted. Such petitions should be filed within one year of the posting of the final grade or in the instance of an Incomplete grade, one year from the Incomplete deadline.

Repeated patterns of withdrawal will be cause for review by the Committee on Academic Standards. Course withdrawals/changes in status from credit to audit may also have tuition implications and adverse financial aid consequences. Students who receive financial aid should consult with a Financial Aid Counselor to determine if the withdrawal(s) will affect continued aid eligibility. They should also consult the financial section of this catalog for tuition implications.


A student may need or desire to repeat a course for a better grade. Students are encouraged to discuss the matter with their academic advisor. When a course is repeated at Daemen, only the higher grade is used in computing the grade point average, although both grades appear on the transcript. In instances where the student transfers a repeat of a Daemen course, the Daemen grade is deleted from the student’s GPA, although the grade continues to appear on the transcript. Repeating a course may affect New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) eligibility. Please note that TAP will not pay for courses for which a passing grade was received unless the student is registered for at least twelve (12) credit hours of TAP-eligible course work in ADDITION to the repeated course. Please refer to the Financial Considerations section (below) for further information relative to course repeats and TAP eligibility.  Consult separate departmental sections of this catalog for additional restrictions on course repeats.


NOTE: Decisions to repeat courses, drop courses, or take incomplete grades should be made only after careful consideration by the student and consultation with the student’s academic advisor and a Financial Aid Office advisor.  Repeating a course may affect New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) eligibility. Please note that TAP will not pay for courses for which a passing grade was received unless the student is registered for at least twelve (12) credit hours of TAP-eligible course work in ADDITION to the repeated course. In determining full-time (twelve [12] credit hours) status, credit-bearing courses must be applicable to the student’s program of study as a general education requirement, a major requirement, or an elective.  Credit-bearing courses not integral to the student’s program of study cannot be included as part of the minimum full-time (twelve [12] credit hours) requirement.  Additionally, a student will be deemed to meet the full-time or part-time study requirement in his/her last semester of eligibility if the student takes at least one course needed to meet his/her graduation requirements and the student enrolls in and completes at least twelve (12) semester hours or its equivalent.  TAP recipients should make careful reference to the Satisfactory Academic Progress chart in the Financial Aid section of the Catalog to determine not only whether there will be an immediate effect on student aid eligibility, but the effect any decision to drop or repeat courses will have on the student’s future ability to maintain satisfactory academic progress. The offices of Financial Aid and Academic Advisement are able to assist students in clarifying both immediate and long-term educational goals.


A student who withdraws from the University before completing a degree is required to fill out a Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form. This form is available in the Office of Academic Advisement (Student Success Center-RIC, first floor) and online from the web pages of the Offices of Academic Advisement and Registrar. Upon completing the form, the student arranges for an exit interview with a staff member from the Academic Advisement office. After completion of the exit interview, the form should be taken to the Registration Office (DS Room 120) for processing where then the withdrawal is finalized. Return after withdrawal from the College necessitates a formal application to the Office of Admissions for readmission. A student accepted for readmission following withdrawal must meet all requirements in force at the time of the student’s return to the College.

If a student wishes to withdraw from the University after the last date for authorized withdrawal, a formal, written petition for withdrawal from all classes must be presented with a letter of support from a faculty advisor and with available substantiating documentation when appropriate for consideration by the Committee on Academic Standards. Filing for withdrawal does not preclude suspension or dismissal at the conclusion of a semester.

If a student withdraws from all classes before the end of the semester, the student should use the Withdrawal From All Courses form, which is available in the Office of Academic Advisement by the appropriate deadline (Consult Academic Calendar). If the student intends to register for the subsequent semester, no other form is needed. If the student does not intend to return for the subsequent semester, the Leave of Absence/ Withdrawal Form should also be completed.


A leave of absence from the University may be granted to students for reasons other than academic difficulties for up to one full year after the end of the semester in progress. Full-time students who do not intend to return in a subsequent semester must file for a Leave of Absence in order to remain classified as an “active” student. Part-time students are permitted to skip one semester between registered periods without having to file for a Leave of Absence. If the part-time student does not return after one semester of absence, the student must file for a Leave of Absence in order to remain classified as an “active” student. The leave requires final approval by the Office of Academic Advisement and begins after the end of the semester in progress. Students desiring a leave of absence should complete the Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form available online (accessible from the Academic Advisement and Registrar’s office’s web pages) and in the Office of Academic Advisement. The student must indicate his/her intended date of return to the University on the form. If the student does not return to the University on or before the appropriate date, he/she will be considered as having withdrawn from the University. Withdrawal necessitates a formal application to the Office of Admissions for readmission. A student returning from a Leave of Absence must meet all requirements in force at the time of the student’s return to the University. Students taking a Leave of Absence who have received long-term loans must consult the Financial Aid Office for information about loan repayment obligations. Students taking a Leave of Absence who are receiving other forms of aid should consult both the Office of Student Accounts and the Financial Aid Office before leaving Daemen. Filing for a Leave of Absence does not preclude suspension or dismissal at the conclusion of a semester.

Students who were placed on probation at the time they took a leave or withdrew will, upon their return, continue to be on probation and will be required to meet the conditions set by the University while they are on probation.

Policy for veteran students: Once enrolled and certified as a Daemen student, should it be necessary to suspend study due to service requirements, a veteran student may withdraw from courses with no financial liability.  Depending upon the duration of service required, other options may be available to students who feel they have significant investment in the semester and who do not wish to withdraw from a semester entirely. In each case, the student must notify the Veterans’ Certification Officer of the impending service requirement and discuss the financial options available. Regardless of the financial option chosen as a result of the service requirement, all service members may return to their academic program upon completion of service requirements.


Daemen University is partnering with National Student Clearinghouse to provide current students, former students, and alumni with the ability to order electronic copies (students attending after 1985 only) or mailed copies of their student transcript. Students/Individuals who attended between 1946-1985 are only able to request a mailed copy of their transcript. Please note that mailed copies may require additional processing time. Transcript requests cost $10.00 per mailed copy and $11.00 per electronic copy.
Please review your order for accuracy. Refunds will not be considered. Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Once an order has been placed you will not be able to change the recipient’s email address. You must place a new order with the correct address. Cancelation of orders are not allowed due to our automated processing. Students may complete the transcript request form (consult the Registrar’s web page). The transcript reflects both undergraduate and graduate studies at Daemen. Please ensure you have no financial holds on your account prior to requesting a transcript. Transcripts will not be processed until your hold has been satisfied. For any additional questions please contact Registrar’s Office at 716-839-8214.

Daemen students desiring to transfer to another institution may anticipate that credits from Daemen, as a regionally accredited institution, will generally (pending minimum grade requirements of the new institution) be acceptable to the receiving institution. However, students are strongly advised to contact the receiving institution to ensure not only the general acceptability of all credits but their acceptability to fulfill specific requirements in the student’s desired program of study at the new institution.


Degrees are conferred three times each year (January 15, May – date announced annually, September 30). One Commencement ceremony is held in May and is open for participation by that year’s January and May graduates. September graduates are eligible for participation in the Commencement ceremony held in the subsequent year.  A student will graduate, i.e., have the degree conferred, only when degree requirements are satisfied in full and all final grades are on record in the Registrar’s office. (Consult the academic calendar for the date when grades are due.) An Application for Degree form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the first week of October for prospective January and May degree conferrals and by early June for September degree conferrals. Consult the academic calendar for the exact application due dates. Until the application is filed, a student will not be included on the Commencement list, will not receive any Commencement-related communications (email, U.S. mail), and will neither have his/her academic record reviewed for determination of status on completion of degree requirements nor receive clearance for graduation, and will not be eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony and related activities.

Diplomas will state the degree and graduation honors conferred. Completion of an honors degree program is also reflected on the diploma. Students may list their name on the Application for Degree (and the diploma) as it appears on the academic record or another preference. Replacement diplomas are issued upon request and for a fee. Consult the Registrar’s web page or the Registrar’s Office for details and fees. Replacement diplomas are marked as such. Diplomas and replacement diplomas are withheld until a student’s financial obligation to the University has been satisfied.

Pending compliance with established criteria, there are instances when prospective September graduates may “walk” in the Commencement ceremony held in May of that same year. Eligibility criteria and applications are available on the Registrar’s web page.

Special Enrollment Rules


Continuing students who wish to take a course at another institution and transfer the credit to Daemen to meet a program requirement may do so through the standard transfer of credit system or the cross-registration program.

Some programs restrict the number of credits transferred in the major and/or in non-major requirements. Consult the academic department for details.

Note: Completion of Core credits via transfer courses: Transfer courses (including cross registrations), except for courses equivalent to CMP 101 College Composition (which satisfies the Communication Skills and Information Literacy competencies), will not satisfy competencies, or Learning Community requirements. Only with the written authorization of the Core Director will a transferred course fulfill Quantitative Literacy and/or Writing Intensive requirements. Only in extraordinary circumstances, and only with the written authorization of the Core Director, will a transferred course fulfill Service Learning and/or Research and Presentation requirements.  (Departmental approval for the latter will also be solicited by the Core Director). Transfer credits may be used to fulfill core electives.

The standard transfer of credit system requires that students file the required Request for Off-Campus Course form with the Registrar’s office. The form must be completed in full and bear the required student and faculty signatures. Students are advised to consult the transfer equivalency database accessible from the Registrar’s web page, to determine if a course offered elsewhere is equivalent to a Daemen course and/or is acceptable for transfer. If a course does not appear in the database, students are advised to provide a course description to the Daemen chair of the credit granting department (example: English chair must approve English courses) when they are requesting permission to take an off-campus course. A minimum grade of C is required for transfer unless a higher grade in the course is required in the student’s major. Students must have official transcripts for all off-campus coursework sent directly from the other institution to Daemen’s Registrar’s office. The student is responsible for the transcript fee.

Cross-registration is an option available only to full-time matriculating students who wish to take an undergraduate course elsewhere during a semester. Consult the Special Programs for Enrichment and Academic Credit section of the Catalog for full details.

No transfer courses or cross-registration are allowed in a senior’s final semester before degree conferral. Consult the In-Residence Course Work Requirement section of the catalog for details.


Regular and part-time students may audit courses by completing and filing with the Registrar the Permit to Audit form, by including the courses as AUDIT on their semester load, and by paying the appropriate fee(s), if applicable. Subject to available space, the University also welcomes alumni and senior citizens as auditors free of charge, although the payment of appropriate University fees (for materials, labs, etc.) may be required. Students may change their status in any credit course to that of an audit by filing (with the Registrar) the appropriate Drop/Add form (available in the Registration office) up to and including the last date for authorized withdrawal from a course. Consult the Academic Calendar for the exact dates. Auditing of courses is subject to the permission of the instructor.


During any term of enrollment, it is recommended that departments allow independent study only after carefully assessing whether the course can be successfully taught independently and after ascertaining that the student:

  1. has a grade point average of 2.5 or better;
  2. has completed all course work for previous courses undertaken;
  3. possesses the necessary motivation and ability for working independently.

The Independent Study request form must be signed by the instructor and the department chair before enrollment in the course is finalized. Summer and intersemester independent study also require the approval of the appropriate divisional dean.


Directed study may be arranged in various fields to allow students to supplement departmental courses. To enroll in Directed Study 458, the student must complete the Permission to Register form, gaining the approval of the directed study instructor and the chair of the department from which credit will be granted.


Daemen students may receive academic credit for training courses in the armed forces or other non-educational organizations, for acquired proficiency as determined by College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject tests or Excelsior College Examinations, or for equivalent knowledge acquired through occupational or avocational life experiences. Criteria for granting Life Experience credit as presented in the following publications will be followed whenever possible:

1. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) by the College Board: limited to subject examinations.

2. Excelsior College Examinations by the University of the State of New York.

3. College Credit Recommendations by the National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI).

4. Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces by the U.S. Armed Forces Institute (USAFI).

For further details, refer to the section in this catalog entitled Application Procedures: Credit by Examination. In cases in which the above criteria do not apply, the student may petition the Committee on Academic Standards for Credit for Learning from Life Experience (CLLE). The student should provide a recommendation from the faculty of the credit-approving department (via the chairperson). A faculty panel within the department from which credit is sought will design and conduct an individualized examination after consultation with the candidate. An oral examination, a written examination, a performance examination, or a combination of two or three of these evaluative techniques should be used. The Committee on Academic Standards will make the final decision regarding the requested credit. The amount of credit will vary with the nature of the learning experience and its applicability to a degree program. Students are advised to begin the CLLE application process by discussing with the chair of the credit-granting department the feasibility of their petition. A fee is assessed for each course/credit for which CLLE is granted.


Departments may offer challenge examinations to students who may possess proficiency in a particular course. Challenge exams must be designed by department faculty and are offered at the professional discretion of the faculty. Once a student completes the examination, he/she must petition the Committee on Academic Standards for credit for the course. The department chairperson, after grading the exam, will submit the grade recommendation to the Committee. The Committee’s decision is final. The course, grade, and statement that a Challenge Exam was completed will appear on the student’s transcript. A fee is assessed for each course/credit in which a student completes a challenge exam.