Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement

Director: Adriane Z. Williams, ’01, MS

Coordinator: Devon Bradford, MS

The Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement has as its mission to cultivate civic engagement and social responsibility by building campus-community partnerships that address community needs, provide experiential learning opportunities, develop informed and engaged leaders, and promote justice and sustainability.  The Center believes when campus and community work together toward mutual goals, we create positive change. The Center is supported by funding from the University and various agencies, foundations, and corporations.

The Center has long-term partnerships with underserved communities and non-profit organizations that support them, in the Western New York area. We address issues involving students that are educationally disadvantaged by helping to increase literacy skills, and address the needs of our refugee population, healthcare disparities, and community development.  We engage in this work from an asset-based approach. Knowing that every community has strengths and resiliency. In addition, the Center works with partners across campus to maintain our campus commitment to service and social justice. Students participate through Daemen’s Service Learning program, as well as through collaborative projects with various community partners.

Students learn new ways to address challenges, approach new and unfamiliar situations thoughtfully, and work with diverse populations. Students can take those skills with them to the next community they serve both professionally and personally.

All majors are welcome.

The Paul A. Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement is located in Duns Scotus 226.        Email: