Business Administration

Contact Information

phone: (716) 839-8329


Dr. Sharlene G. Buszka
(716) 839-8432

Degrees Offered


BS Business Administration includes the following Specializations:


Open to all undergraduate students:

Open to Accounting and Business Administration majors only or students who have completed the General Business minor


Business Administration Mission Statement

The Business Administration program equips an engaged and diverse community of learners with business skills to become ethical and successful leaders in an interconnected business world.

Business Administration Intended Student Learning Outcomes:
The Business Administration program is designed to help students achieve the following student learning objectives. Students will provide evidence of having achieved an understanding of core business concepts by:

  1. Students will acquire appropriate content knowledge with an awareness of situational and global context.
  2. Students will acquire business skills and awareness of ethical conduct that are appropriate to a professional environment.
  3. Students will develop effective communication skills including research and writing skills to allow them to identify, analyze, apply, and communicate relevant information for decision-making.
  4. Through active learning opportunities, our students will develop an awareness of how they may apply their knowledge and skills within various organizational settings and environments.