Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement

Executive Director: Cheryl Bird

The Saffrin Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement has as its mission to partner Daemen College and its students with urban communities to promote civic responsibility, leading to communities that are healthy, safe, and vital, and that will remain so for future generations. The Center is supported by funding from the College and various agencies, foundations, and corporations.

The Center has long term partnerships with three under served communities in Buffalo: Seneca Babcock, the West Side, and Broadway Fillmore, where issues involving educational poverty, refugee needs, healthcare disparity and community development are addressed.  Students participate through Daemen’s Service Learning  program, as well as through collaborative class projects with various community agencies. Students learn new approaches for solving problems and working with diverse populations and can take those skills with them to the next community they serve.  All majors are welcome.

The Center for Sustainability and Civic Engagement is located in Duns Scotus 226.